About water

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Water is the basis of life. Sufficiency of water resources has always been the most important condition for development of human society. In the region covered by Vodakva, there is a lack of underground resources of good enough quality and capacity. Therefore, surface water from rivers had provided non-potable water by the end of the 19th century before the discovery of the disinfection technology was implemented to produce safe drinking water. The quality of river water deteriorated with the development of industry and intensive agriculture though. That is why artificial reservoirs along with related water treatment plants and distribution systems were constructed by cooperation of municipalities in the second half of the 20th century. Today, these systems supply the drinking water to 90 % of the population in the area of operation.
With the development of activities having a negative impact on the quality of watercourses, the municipalities were forced to deal with the other side of the water resources management – a sewage treatment and disposal. The first big sewage treatment plants were built in the 1960´s. A further development of this field took place due to the planned entry of the Czech Republic to the EU and to the development of the environmental legislation at the end of the 20th century. New sewage treatment plants have been built using the biological treatment process. Existing plants have been modernized and have intensified their capacity. Large sewer systems with a central treatment plant have been constructed by cooperation of municipalities. Today, about 95% of the population in the area of operation is connected to a sewer system with a central sewage treatment plant.